Articles of the authors participating in the congress will be published in scientific and technical journals “AEROSPACE TECHNIC AND TECHNOLOGY”, “INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES” and “HERALD OF AEROENGINEBUILDING”.
The Organizing Committee, in conjunction with the editorial boards of journals, reserve the right to allocation of articles for publication in journals according to their subjects.
Articles provided for publication should be prepared in accordance with specific requirements. These requirements can be downloaded from the link below.
Requirements for registration of articles
Scientific and technical journal “AEROSPACE TECHNIC AND TECHNOLOGY”
Included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, which can be published results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences (Order MES of Ukraine №1279 from November 6, 2014)
Stored in the national database of abstracts “Ukraїnіka Naukova” and published in the relevant thematic series of Ukrainian abstract journal “Dzherelo” (free on-line access to resources on the Web-server
Stored in the abstract basis of the Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Information (VINITI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and published in the relevant thematic series RJ (free online access to resources on the Web-server
Included in the international scientometric databases:
– Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU (Russian Federation);
– Index Copernicus (Poland);
– Google Scholar.
The journal is published with periodicity of 1 every 2 months (6 issues per year), and accepts publications on areas: problems of development of the theory, the practice of design and technology in aerospace engineering; management systems; electronic systems; computer systems and information technology in the management of enterprises, programs and projects.
The journal accept for publication the previously not published research articles in Ukrainian, Russian or English.
Scientific and technical journal “INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES”
Included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, which can be published results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences (Decision HAC of Ukraine №1-05/1 from February 10, 2010)
Stored in the national database of abstracts “Ukraїnіka Naukova” (free on-line access to resources on the Web-server
Stored in the abstract basis of the Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Information (VINITI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and published in the relevant thematic series RJ (free online access to resources on the Web-server
The Journal included in:
– A directory of periodicals database Ulrisch’s Periodicals Directory (New Jersey, USA);
– Scientometric database Google Scholar;
– Bibliographic database WorldCat;
– Directory , offering free access to academic journals in electronic format in all directions Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– European scientific publication metaarchive DRIVER;
– BASE search service (Germany), which is one of the most powerful suppliers of actual data about scientific publications of European scientists.
The journal is published with periodicity of 2 times a year, and accepts publications in the following fields: general questions of the Engine building; engine’s design; working processes of ICE; production technology of ICE; maintenance of ICE; ecological Characteristics of ICE; hypotheses, offers; the contents of higher education on subject “ICE”; engine history, personalities, anniversaries.
The journal accept for publication the previously not published research articles in Ukrainian, Russian, English and German.
Scientific and technical journal “HERALD OF AEROENGINEBUILDING”
Included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, which can be published results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences (Decision HAC of Ukraine №1-05/1 from February 10, 2010)
Stored in the national database of abstracts “Ukraїnіka Naukova” (free on-line access to resources on the Web-server
Stored in the abstract basis of the Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Information (VINITI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and published in the relevant thematic series RJ (free online access to resources on the Web-server
The journal included in the international scientometric databases:
– Index Copernicus.
The journal is published with periodicity of 2 times a year, and accepts articles in the following rubrics: aircraft engineering; technology of production and maintenance; structures and strength; structural materials; assembling and trials; standartization and metrology; operation, reliability, service life; ecology.
The journal accept for publication the previously not published research articles in Ukrainian, Russian and English.